About Sarah

About Sarah

Sarah Schauerte Reida

Sarah Schauerte Reida

Sarah Reida was born and raised in the Midwest, where she read anything and everything she could get her hands on – especially scary books, like R.L. Stine’s and Roald Dahl’s. Also, movies played a huge role in her development – sitting on a cinder block at the local drive-in to watch Beetlejuice was a formative event.

Sarah always knew she wanted to be a writer, but also knew that she’d have to change her name because no one can spell or pronounce it (Schauerte, or Shower-Tee). Luckily, her husband’s last name is easy to pronounce, so she didn’t have to worry about coming up with a pen name!

Now an Atlanta resident, Sarah lives with her husband, Scott, and their furry children (and daughter – coming soon!). She works as an attorney who helps veteran small business owners who work with the federal government.